Shipment checking but make it digital.

A new B2B product to assist quality assurance and warehouse users.

The Project: Quality Assurance shipment check

Client: Leading pharmaceutical company

Role: UX/UI Designer

Team: Product development team with 1 other designer

The Brief

One of the clients of this leading pharmaceutical company is in need of a digitised application that allows for cross communication of product quality assurance checks that occur between the two businesses. The checks are carried out by the pharmaceutical company where the results are communicated to the client so that they can run their own quality assurance on the same products.


This is brand new process between the two businesses and as such, there are a lot of things we are unsure of. Since this is the case, we will approach this from a “happy path” perspective. This way we can integrate any complexities that occur throughout the project.

  • Macro - checking that the overall shipment conditions are compliant

  • Micro - checking that each pallet within that shipment are complaint

  • Checks will be completed on a tablet


Focus: Macro and Micro Check


  • One of the challenges with this project was the very short timeline and the complexity of the project however, I was able to design the flow and screens whilst also reviewing the designs on a weekly basis for client feedback.

  • Since this is an entirely new process, I will be waiting for the UAT feedback to go through another iteration of improvements.

Where do we begin?

  • Conduct stakeholder engagement

  • Speak to the warehouse user to understand their needs

  • Speak to the quality assurance people to understand their needs

From what we gathered, this project is quite complex. So to give provide our stakeholders with a clear visual on the process, we have this:

Establishing what the product is and the flow, meant that I could get onto drafting the wireframes.


The mid fidelity designs definitely went through a huge change.

  • This iteration I focused on the experience of the tablet user

  • Added colours to have the application to make it appear more inviting

  • Adopted a cleaner layout especially since it’ll be on a tablet

UX Considerations

  • The users are on their feet while conducting the quality checks

  • Checks are completed physically with tablet in hand

    • Design in portrait mode

  • The checks should be very easy to execute and with very little effort